CF Logistics, LLC
CF Logistics, LLC


Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
Code of Ethics
Policy Regarding Slavery and Human Trafficking and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act
Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy

CF Logistics, LLC is committed to making our website accessible for all, including those with disabilities. As such, we have taken steps to enhance our site and increase its usability by those who access the web using assistive technology. Our website enhancements are guided by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, version 2.1, Level AA (WCAG 2.1 AA). We will continue to enhance our websites from time to time to deliver accessible experiences.

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing our website content, please contact us by calling (610) 268-5147 for assistance and to provide feedback.

Statement Regarding Animal and Human Research and Testing

The Giorgi Companies, Inc. (including Giorgi Mushroom Company, Giorgio Foods, Inc. and Giorgio Fresh Co.) does not conduct, commission or fund animal or human research or testing.  The Giorgi Companies, Inc. does support research and testing to control insects, and may also provide products in support of industry-supported, independently-conducted research and testing endeavors.

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